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The Greater Lawrence Technical School Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an all-volunteer organization of parents of children with disabilities who meet to learn more about Special Education. We sponsor monthly informational meetings and work with the school administration to improve our children's education.
General membership is open to any parent or guardian of our students with special needs. General meetings will be held monthly from September through June. Notice of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) meetings are posted on the school web-site, as well as provided by phone (Connect Ed) or by email to the general membership prior to each meeting stating the time, date, and purpose.
Join today ... We welcome your participation and value any input you might have. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like more information about the Greater Lawrence Technical School Parent Advisory Council, please contact the Special Education department secretary at 978-686-0194 ext. 3037.
SEPAC Meetings
Special Education Parent Advisory Council
12/17/2020 5:30PM - 6:30PM Parents Rights
01/21/2021 5:30-6:30PM Partnering with Parents to Support Remote Learning/At Home Learning
03/25/2021 5:30-6:30PM Understanding the IEP Process
05/20/2020 5:30-6:30PM Transition ________________________________________________________________
Guidance For Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (SEPAC) English/Spanish Advisory Council Power Point/English Advisory Council Power Point/Spanish
Greater Lawrence Technical School admits students and makes available to them its advantages, privileges, courses of study and support services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, homelessness or limited English speaking ability.