GLTS - Home of the Reggies!
The Greater Lawrence Technical School is a regional technical high school serving the four communities of Andover, Lawrence, Methuen and North Andover. Research indicates that when students participate in activities outside of their course of study, they tend to excel in school. To maximize their experience at GLTS, students are encouraged to participate in the numerous athletic teams that GLTS has to offer. Here at GLTS our goal is to develop well-rounded student-athletes and we know our students are up to the challenge; thus we "Expect More, Demand More, Achieve More".
In order to participate, students must:1. The student-athlete and their parent / guardian must register online through FamilyID.
2. A valid physical must be submitted within 13 months. No current physical, no
participation, no exceptions.3. Students must be academically eligible. A student must earn during the last marking
period before the athletic contest, a passing grade, and full credit, in Shop/Related, and
may not fail more than one additional class. If the student fails more than one subject, or
fails Shop/Related, they will be ineligible until the next marking period. Eligibility for the
Fall Season will be based on Final Grades from the previous year, excluding the
incoming freshman. Eligibility is in effect the day report cards are posted in Aspen.
Incomplete grades may not be counted towards eligibility until a class grade is provided.4. During the registration process, the parent/guardian and athlete must watch a video on
concussion / head injuries. This is an annual requirement that is mandated by the State
to play a sport. Course video can be found at: Concussion in Sports5. Students must be in good social standing, both in school and in the community, as
determined by the Principal, Dean and / or Athletic Director* Registering for a sport:
At the top of this page, click on the "Register Now" FamilyID icon. Then follow these steps:
1. Click on the Register Now button and scroll, if necessary, to the Create Account/Log In green button. If this is your first time using FamilyID, click Create Account. Click Log In, if you already have a FamilyID account.
2. Create your secure FamilyID account by entering the account owner's First and Last names (parent/guardian), E-mail address and password. Select I Agree to the FamilyID Terms of Service. Click Create Account.
3. You will receive an email with a link to activate your new account. (If you don’t see the email, check your E-mail filters (spam, junk, etc.).
4. Click on the link in your activation E-mail, which will log you in to
5. Once in the registration form, complete the information requested. All fields with a red* are required to have an answer.
6. Click the Save & Continue button when your form is complete.
7. Review your registration summary.
Por favor siga estas instrucciones:
1. Haga clic en el botón verde Regístrese Ahora, si es necesario, a FamilyID, haga clic en Crear Cuenta. Haga clic en Iniciar sesión, si ya tiene una cuenta FamilyID.
2. Crear su cuenta segura de FamilyID ingresando el nombre y apellido de la cuenta (padre / encargado/), correo electrónico y la contraseña. Seleccione Acepto los Términos de Servicio de FamilyID. Haga clic en Crear Cuenta.
3. Recibirás un correo electrónico con un enlace para activar su nueva cuenta. (Si no ve el correo electrónico, revise los filtros de correo electrónico (spam, basura, etc.)
4. Haga clic en el enlace en su correo electrónico de activación, que lo conectará a
5. Una vez en el formulario de registración, complete la información solicitada. Todo con un * rojo es necesario tener una respuesta.
6. Haga clic el botón de Guardar & Continuar cuando su formulario esté completo.
7. Revise su resumen de registración.
Nuevo para el registro de deportes de invierno
Si desea que su registro esté en español, presione el botón en español que se encuentra en la parte superior de la página. Esto se encuentra en la barra azul que pasa por la parte superior de la página al lado de donde dice "Cuenta familiar".
Greater Lawrence sports programs are committed to providing inclusive and equitable opportunities for all students. We ensure that participation requirements do not limit access based on race, sex, gender identity, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or homelessness. All students have the opportunity to participate on the sports team consistent with their gender identity, fostering an environment of respect and inclusivity. We believe that every student should have the chance to engage in athletics and benefit from the teamwork, discipline, and enjoyment that sports provide. Our policies are designed to support a diverse and welcoming community where every student feels valued and included.Gran Lawrence Los programas deportivos están comprometidos a brindar oportunidades inclusivas y equitativas para todos los estudiantes. Nos aseguramos de que los requisitos de participación no limiten el acceso por motivos de raza, sexo, identidad de género, color, religión, origen nacional, orientación sexual, discapacidad o falta de vivienda. Todos los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de participar en el equipo deportivo de acuerdo con su identidad de género, fomentando un ambiente de respeto e inclusión. Creemos que cada estudiante debe tener la oportunidad de participar en deportes y beneficiarse del trabajo en equipo, la disciplina y el disfrute que brindan los deportes. Nuestras políticas están diseñadas para apoyar una comunidad diversa y acogedora donde cada estudiante se sienta valorado e incluido.

Greater Lawrence Technical School admits students and makes available to them its advantages, privileges, courses of study and support services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, homelessness or limited English speaking ability.